Friday, June 08, 2007

Ronald Coleman, huh?

I've been in St. Louis for the last three weeks or so playing dress-up. I just opened A L1ttle N1ght Mus1c at the lovely Stages St. Lou1s. We opened on Wednesday night, and we'll run to July 1st. I'm getting to do all kinds of actorly things like wear tail coats, put five pounds of gray crap in my hair, and get interviewed on the the local NPR station(!) The last bit just happened this morning. I'll post a link to the audio when it is posted, if you'd like to hear me sound like I am totally making up stuff to sound smart (lbh, there's no need for you to listen, since you hear me do that on a daily basis).

This is a rendering for one of my costumes. I love the picture, because the costume designer drew it with me in mind, so he kind of looks like me. His hair is thicker.


Blogger L. said...

oh--i know that nose!

that's they nose timmy gouran told me makes you so handsome. "that roman nose," he said. i don't know what a roman nose is, but i like yours.

12:20 PM  

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