Friday, April 21, 2006

with longings.

i don't have much that's helpful to say this week, but i can at least share this, from my friend pasha, who recieved the following spam email recently:

"seu mala falei com um gordinho super fofo qe
ta na com saudades do seu bumbum."

sez pasha:

I figured it was
Portuguese. So I punched it into one of those online translator
things. Here's what came out (the punctuation and line-breaks are my

"Your Own Suitcase"

I spoke,
aged one.
Super fofo qe ta."
At the Angola,
along --
nostalgia from its

And here's the Brazilian Portuguese version:


Your suitcase
talked to a gordinho,
"Qe ta?"
On, Angola!
With longings
of your butt.



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