Wednesday, May 21, 2008

i won

a small award at school--a five hundred dollar prize given in memoriam of Carl Mueller, a theatre historian and translator who taught at UCLA and maintained a presence as professor emeritus until his death this year. he came to speak to one of my seminars fall quarter, and he was great--funny, interested in us, ready to tell the best stories of 1960s berlin and the travails of translation. the award is one of a truckload that are bestowed at the same time, all funded by external donors to the school of theatre, film and television.

in return, i'm to attend a special breakfast where the donors hand out their swag to a roomful of vaguely uncomfortable students. the invite says "professional dress requested," although they don't say professional what. i'm going with meter maid.


Blogger j said...

Congratulations, you!

I remember one time I had a suit that I didn't realize would require an undershirt. I ended up folding a flowered scarf into a triangle and wedging each pointed end into my bra straps to cover my cleavage. Professional is a relative term.

1:35 PM  
Blogger L. said...

resourceful updenkelder. that sounds like something i might do--except in my case, it would probably be a polyester napkin or a square of TP.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should fly down and iron something up for you. . . .

8:14 PM  
Blogger kate said...

congrats, grog. that's very cool!

1:16 PM  
Blogger j said...

Ell, I have had a vision! I'm almost certain it was your scarf and your idea - Remember that little treehouse place you lived in Seattle? Was that around the time I was a Senior?

2:31 PM  
Blogger L. said...

hmm. the treehouse in fremont with amanda? i think you were graduated by then. it would have been . . . 2001? i did have a very sweet studio apartment in capitol hill when i first moved to the city, which i remember you and your mom visiting, maybe during a seattle jaunt to see steve? and you would have just graduated, i think?

7:43 PM  

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