A tool of capitalism
The other day I did background work in a commercial for a large computer company. I can't really say which computers, so let's just call them "Honey Pots." I was supposed to be filmed first - call time 8:30am - which meant I could do this commercial for a few hundred dollars and then get to work. Instead I was filmed last - 3:00am - and made several thousand dollars (after 16 hours on set you get paid one day's rate per HOUR). The whole thing was filmed on a green screen, with computer animation and effects to be filled in later. My favorite part of this whole, long, very lucrative affair was that on the set of this commercial, one that supposedly highlights the use of these "Honey Pots" as vehicles for creative people, there was exactly one "H.P." and about two dozen Macs. And the one "H.P." was there to be photographed as part of the spot, and not actually used in any way whatsoever.
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