Monday, July 31, 2006

it's on.

i'm taking a break from writing a fifteen page paper on motown and Dreamgirls to say:

we set a date.

july 22.


it's going to be here. if you know anything about this boatplace, like whether the food is good or if it has funky smells in the corners, please tell us. we didn't get to see it in person before making the decision (although brilliant deputies who visited it in our stead, we salute you).

also potentially involved in the day are these folks. i'm very impressed with their work.

is it gauche to talk about this stuff? i have no idea. i have never done this before.

anyway. back to martha reeves and the vandellas.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

passing in the night

Lindsay and I see each other about twice a day: when we wake up, and when we go to bed. Sometimes, we see each other once a day, in the morning. She's working so hard at NYU, reading scads of homework every night, while I am spending as much time as I can (stand) at the Crab, trying to make as much money as I can. After all, there's a wedding and honeymoon to pay for soon.

In the long run it will all be worth it, but in the short run I just miss hanging with the girl.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

take my hand.

we were camping, in the middle of tall, old trees, sitting by a fire and having a companionable drink, when he asked me to marry him.

i remember getting dressed up once for a nice evening date, and telling chris that he smelled like handsome, and he said: you smell like the love of my life.

here it comes.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

mea maxima culpa

Lindsay tells me that she was planning on posting several more camping pics. Some that include her, even. Since she's knee-deep in books right now I'm taking it on myself.

About to be eaten by a tent

Friday, July 14, 2006

mea culpa.

you're like, we know school is hard. school is hard.

it is hard. and i'm sorry about the lack of updates.

we did want to show you these photos, though. from our camping trip.

some of you know that i have something else to say, but it is not yet time to say it. stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


she got married!