Friday, October 31, 2008

you win a flew and skogganinny.

trader joe's: out of organic tomato sauce, but now stocking Fat Tire. we'll take it.

i'm home waiting for the kiddies. so far we've had a tinkerbell with a baby brother who i think was some kind of bean. best costume on campus was this young woman dressed as a chef, carrying a very small weiner dog in a lobster costume.

happy halloween!

Friday, October 24, 2008

we're back!

sorry, guys. didn't mean to leave you hanging. mom was here to visit and then school started, and then yadda yadda, no blog. BUT, to get us back started on the right note, please observe this photograph of Platina Luna Blade Runner, named best in show at the CFA-IAMS Cat Championship last week.

that's right, mom and dad. platina.