Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Friday, March 24, 2006


i made fifteen dollars last night, thank you very much. actually, thank you anni and james, who have come to see the show about fifteen times, combined, and paid for the privilege, and who would not let me buy them beers afterwards with my proceeds. the show is now only $41 in the hole! woot!

marvellous kate came to see it last night. she says: nice about your new camera, but for corn sakes, take some photos of that kitchen.

she's right. it's been ridiculous. it's just that every time i think of it, there are some dishes drying on the counter, and by the time i've put the dishes away i'm on to something else. but this weekend, it will get done.


edit: the marvellous sue henderson, who has a birthday tomorrow (happy day!), moved heaven and earth, or at least a chunk of long island, to see my show last night. she is, and this is overused but truly apt, an "amazing person." she also, because she is gracious to the core, blogged about the show. i'd like to thank her, publicly, and announce that her spot in my pantheon of favorites is now more secure than ever, if that is really possible.

edit II: as if it weren't enough that c. roasted a chicken for me on wednesday, we are making fajitas tonight and margaritas from scratch and also ceviche. you know how sometimes the prospect of some good, on-purpose food can be enough to send you ten miles over the moon? this is one of those times. a good dinner with my best friend and emergency contact, christopher guilmet. it does not get better.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

filling the frame.

we were cleaning the apartment today, and i said, hey. we don't have very many pictures of us.

and chris said, let's fix that.

Monday, March 13, 2006

votes are in.

NYU says yes.

this is a large relief.

the prospect of coming up with forty seven thousand dollars is making me wake up at six a.m.

but still. relief.

school starts in june.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

monkeys and kittens are friends.

i require you to go here.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

for jay.

whose lovely taste and trust allowed me to have this magnificent gown.

(which is sort of hard to get out of.)

the come in threes, right?

brown also said no.

we* are: sad.

(*royal we; chris could be forgiven for some gladness at not having to endure joint-custody trips to Providence.)

Monday, March 06, 2006

she's the one.

i think this is the camera. i also think the strategy is to buy it body-only and make do with the lenses i have until i can save up for a nice one. or two.

still very much looking forward to playing with mom's new toy in france.

and, unreasonably, i have a cold. i remember from college that this always happens: i freak out through opening night, experience some relief, and as soon as i expect things to go back to normal, i get the sniffles. gross. it's something to do with being so anxious, i think. trying to knock that off.

i have to give back the wedding photographers' camera on thursday. j, i'll try to get chris to take some photos of me in the dress before i do.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


the show, she is open. the first night went well, though i felt a little tight and speedy througout. how did it get so short? i was cutting things because i added so much, and then ended up with a 40 minute show for a 60 minute slot. we may have to add a few more stories. kudos to christopher, who handled tech (and my brattiness during) with grace and aplomb.

also kudos to the greatest opening night gift ever: a lush gift box full of products loved by famous actors. i used the julia roberts butterball bath bomb before the show, and am really looking forward to the ewan macgregor shower gel.

on the bad news front: rejections from both berkeley and northwestern. sigh. we're heading into the future with good hopes.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

tonight = the night.

if you're wondering where we've been, we've been birthing a show.

it goes up tonight.

i am a small amount petrified. if we don't sell a certain number of seats a night, i owe the venue dollars. it's a small number (small enough that the embarrassment of not being able to attract that many people is almost worse than the $75), but i know from experience what happens when shows with no advertising budget get lost in the bizarro jungle of off off broadway.
